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Can You Decline an Inheritance in Tennessee?

Inheriting assets can be a bittersweet experience, but what if the prospect of accepting an inheritance doesn’t align with your circumstances or preferences? While it may seem counterintuitive to some people to reject an inheritance, the answer is, generally, yes. This is known as “disclaiming” or “renouncing” an inheritance. There are a variety of motivations…

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Amputation Injuries from Accidents on Tennessee Worksites

When it comes to Tennessee worksites, the risk of serious amputation injuries is a very real concern. These life-altering incidents that result in the loss of entire limbs leave victims and their families in shambles as they suffer through overwhelming physical, psychological, and emotional pain. Adding to the trauma, the financial burdens that come with…

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Seeking Compensation for a Truck Rollover Accident

A rollover accident occurs when a truck tips over onto its side or roof. It’s a serious and often traumatic event that can result in substantial damage to the truck and its cargo. These accidents can happen for various reasons, including factors like improper cargo distribution, driver fatigue, or mechanical issues. Unfortunately, truck rollover accidents…

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Can Paramedics Claim Workers’ Compensation?

Paramedics play a crucial role in our communities, providing emergency medical care when we need it most. While they’re dedicated to saving lives and ensuring our well-being, they often face occupational hazards themselves that put their own health at risk. Occupational Health & Safety reported that between eight and nine out of every 100 paramedics…

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I’m an Executor and the Estate Just Got Sued. Can You Help?

Being chosen as an executor to oversee the distribution of a loved one’s assets and settle their affairs is an honor, but it can also be a huge responsibility. In Chattanooga, as elsewhere, this role entails various duties, including ensuring that debts and liabilities are appropriately addressed. However, when a lawsuit arises against the estate,…

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Why Nurses May Be at Increased Risk of Stroke

Nursing is a demanding profession that often places people in high-stress environments. Nurses are at the forefront of patient care, working tirelessly to ensure the well-being of those they serve—and their role goes beyond administering medications and tending to medical needs. Nurses often find themselves providing emotional support and a comforting presence to patients and…

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Spinal Cord Injury Can Affect Your Cardiovascular System

Each year, between 250,000 to 500,000 people experience some level of spinal cord injury (SCI) around the world. In the United States alone, there are about 282,000 people currently living with an SCI while over 17,000 new cases are introduced each year. Spinal cord injuries in Chattanooga can happen due to a variety of causes,…

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