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The Dangers of a Trucker Shortage

Truck drivers have a big job to do. Each day they transport goods all across the country. This can be anything from groceries to fuel. However, the trucking industry is taking a big blow currently as they are facing a trucker shortage.  There are many possible culprits behind the trucker shortage and the topic is…

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Work-Related Injury Costs Increase in Middle Aged Workers

Data collected and published by Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report found that in the ten year period from 2007 and 2017, the number of diagnosed musculoskeletal disorders increased. The research was based on data collected from Ohio construction worker injury claims. The study also found that costs for these injuries peaked in injured workers between…

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How Safe Is Your New Car if a Drone Can Hack It?

You may have seen the video of a Tesla Model 3 being remotely hacked by a drone flying over the car. This started when the Pwn2Own2020 hacking competition canceled the automotive portion of the competition due to concerns related to the coronavirus. Some researchers decided to keep the momentum going and continue with their own…

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Peloton Treadmills Are Deadly Dangerous

During the pandemic, Peloton machines became a popular way to get exercise without leaving your home. Although Peloton has been around for some time, they did not begin to sell treadmills until 2018. The at-home cycling classes were a contributing factor in Peloton’s rise in popularity. The spike was evident when the company reported its…

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