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Congratulations, Vince Jackson, on Being the First Recipient of the Wagner & Wagner Annual Civil Justice Scholarship Award!

Wagner & Wagner Attorneys at Law is proud to announce that Vincent Jackson is the first ever recipient of the Wagner & Wagner Annual Civil Justice Scholarship Award.

Vince is a legal intern, a classical guitarist, and a Tennessee native. He currently attends Lincoln Memorial University Duncan School of Law, where he has made quite the impression on his professors already. Vince is expected to graduate in 2021.

Vince is an impressive young man, but it was his essay that captured our attention. In his writing, Vince discussed how the concepts of “negligence” and “duty” take on a weightier role in the practice of law, and how a strong civil justice system is what allows society to function. As Vince wrote:

“Holding negligent parties accountable for their actions fosters confidence in the public in their ability to freely participate in society. One can imagine the hypothetical alternative, that our society did not protect rights of the injured plaintiff against negligent parties. It is easy to imagine that in such a society the public’s confidence in its ability to freely participate in society would be dramatically low…. The imposition of a duty on all to not place others at a foreseeable and unreasonable risk of harm efficiently balances the interests of all members of society.”

This recognition of the importance of civil justice, and of the balance it helps strike in the every day lives of our communities, is a critical component to our practice of law at Wagner & Wagner. We work to protect the civil justice system and the people it serves because it is the ethical thing to do. We are stronger as a society when our laws are just. It has been our family’s mission since 1945, and it always will be.

About the scholarship

The Wagner & Wagner Annual Civil Justice Scholarship Award is granted to an eligible pre-law or law school student. The award is $2500, and applicants must submit the following to be considered:

  • Proof of enrollment for the upcoming academic year
  • One (1) letter of recommendation from a member of the faculty or staff at the university or school, or from a teacher from the previous year (for incoming students only)
  • One (1) essay up to 1,000 words on “The injured plaintiff’s right to be compensated through litigation or mediation.”
  • Academic Transcripts from the current academic year

Wagner & Wagner is currently accepting applications for the 2019-2020 academic year, to be awarded in July 2020. The winner will be notified prior to August 1, 2020.

All of us at Wagner & Wagner are very proud of Vincent Jackson. He is an extraordinary young student, and we expect great things from him. We hope you will join us in congratulating him on being our first scholarship recipient.